
News & Event

Date : 17-12-05 17:40
Surprising and Pleasant Announcement!
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Thank you very much for all your Customers, Partners and dear Employees!

Today we have the event of 54th of “Day of Trade” hosted by Korea
International Trade Association and sponsored by the Ministry of Trade.

In this event We, KoreaKiyon got greatly awarded for our achievement of
US$10M export amid the recent years’ fierce market competition. Even more
gracefully as our 2 employees got recognized with their best contribution on
this achievement, they got awarded from the prime minister and the trade of
Minister respectively. Certainly this will be one of our important
milestones since our first big achievement with US$1M export back in 2010.

On behalf of all people who concern about our company, we sincerely
appreciate all your great efforts and help!

Thank you!